
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Early Spring Garden~April

I planted half of a pound of Contender green beans in early April before a lovely spring rain. They germinated well and are growing nicely except in the spots where our little dog has dug. I'm not sure if he is smelling something or just being an animal. I'm not particularly a pet fan unless they produce something...I suppose he keep wild critters away and certainly alerts us of visitors down the lane!

Our lone tulip that bloomed this year of a dozen bulbs planted 2 years ago. There is still hope they will show a lovely display eventually!

The barrenish garden behind the patio. I'm loving my small burst of color in the outdoor pillow!
Horseradish is growing around the birdbath. It is spreading with vigor.



baby sugar snap pea row

pineapple mint 



I dug up some of the wildly sprouting horseradish and blended it, jarred it, and covered with vinegar. It is quite tasty! I've never really eaten it much, but since it grows so well and is great for you, we are nibbling on it now and's almost addictive! The girls were giggling to see who could eat enough to burn up their noses. They would roll up a teaspoon in a horseradish leaf and chomp it down; it really opened up our nasal passages! The leaves even have zingy qualities!

April's garden harvest was a slim 1 pound of horseradish, cilantro, and chives, but oh so yummy to be eating fresh again!

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