
Friday, August 21, 2015

End of Summer Ohio Visit with Family

Cora went to her first Vacation  Bible School with Ohio cousins.One night the lesson was about forgiving. Each child received a baggie with marshmallow, graham cracker, and chocolate with the saying, "Forgive...and then forgive s'more." She also made paper lanterns, and cardboard sunshines.  On the last night, the church hosted a cook-out picnic for the children's families with activities that included bubbles, duck duck goose, 9 square, and roasting s'mores. 

At Mamaw's Cora had fun making Lite-Brite pictures.

Meg had fun picking flowers.

I had fun doing a tidy-up project.

We all had fun eating summery meals together and walking to the local park.

The rest of the family came out for a weekend of slumber party with Daddy's cousins, hair styling, and pond fun.

Finally we met my brother's family for a park supper in southern Ohio. The evening went by quickly chasing the resident geese, exploring the huge tent playground, riding ripsticks & scooters, shooting hoops, and playing sand volleyball.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

July Garden

Many things growing in the July garden...

Filling in bare spots and plants growing up over one another.

Plenty of greens to harvest: Kale, Red Beets, Swiss Chard, Turnips. 
(Though not the family's favorite side dish!)

Banana Peppers are the first of the peppers to start producing. The Bells have little babies on them, but the mini sweets are only growing plants, not fruits. Perhaps because I saved seed from grocery store peppers?!

The garden view from our back patio. 
Someday that hodgepodge building will be improved. It disgraces the garden photos every time!

One morning's harvest.

The okra plants are thriving in the heat, all 3 rows tangled together in a prickly mass. The picking is a bit sticky, but I'm so glad they are producing. Okra is my hubs favorite garden veggie. He could skip the greens.every.time.

The pea gate trellis has been overtaken with cucumber plants, hurray!

Basil is growing well in the shade of mammoth indeterminate heirloom tomato plants.

The calendula is blooming that was brought all the way from Ohio in July and transplanted for medicinal purposes.

Another day's picking.

Produce harvested in July: 77 pounds
Green Beans, cucumbers, onions, and turnips being the heavy weights.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Meg is 3!

Our littlest Bowman had a birthday!

She's been choosing her favorite zinnia blooms from the garden to fill and refill our table vase.

 Simple cakes.
Brightly sprinkled with sweetness.

Broiled pizza sandwiches
Corn on the cob
Vegetables and dip
Fruit kabobs
Jello cubes
Vanilla cupcakes with peppermint icing

She was so excited to open her "birthday". (You know presents are the best part. Evidently in her mind they are the only part!) Gay gifts waiting in the basement, pretty packages arriving in the mail, and UPS delivery too! Not pictured: oversize polka dot ball and pink cozy coupe.
Hurray for a birthday!